6 Nov 2014

A caffeine filled day and a few too many selfies...

Today has been a standard Thursday for family Anthistle (or what's left of us without Daddy about).  Pippa goes to nursery on Thursdays and then Thomas and I go for coffee with a great group of mummies and their babies in a local pub. 

I have been so lucky to have made some really lovely new friends in the area since we moved here and I've managed to utilise Pippa's nursery days to fit in some hard-earned coffees, dog walks and general 'mummies-wot-lunch' with just a baby in tow.  I am very aware how indulgent these outings are, but I am throwing all associated guilt to the wind and just enjoying it whilst it lasts, because I know from experience that these baby days just fly by.  And trying to sit, enjoy a hot drink and have a full conversation with someone once you have a crawling baby or careering toddler is nigh on impossible.  I have the rest of my life to be productive and keep a clean/tidy/well stocked home, right?! 

(Cue a picture of my current clean laundry and ironing pile......if it's in the middle of the sitting room floor I will have no way of avoiding it, right? Wrong.  2 days so far.  Oh the shame).

Anyway,  we had a good morning at the pub and went back to a friend Hannah's house for a cuppa afterwards (as I obviously needed just a teeeny bit more caffeine).  Poor Thomas is suffering a little at the moment with an uncooperative tummy, I don't think the gorgeous Tilly was too impressed by his protestations!

As we happened to be very close to nursery by that time I decided to pick Pippa up a bit early.  It meant that I got to see all the little ones fast asleep towards the end of their lunchtime naps.  

It really baffles me that they will all lie down obediently in one room together (with no bars or constraints!) and actually sleep.  I always thought that the nursery staff must just tell you they nap in order to make you feel less guilty for having shipped them off, but no, I now have proof that they do indeed sleep.  There was snoring and everything. Obvs it would have been very sweet to have shared a little picture of the dormitory style set up I found when went in, but I don't think the nursery would have been too keen on me whipping out a camera and snapping away at other people's children!

The rest of the day followed with a hoummus 'dippy' supper for Pippa, bathtime, a bit of selfie fun and then bed, complete with Pippa's slightly abridged and unique version of The Three Little Pigs (basically a lot of huffing and puffing and raspberry blowing, minimal narrative).

Oh and I finally got around to making some soup out of the poor pumpkin I optimistically bought for halloween, which never even had it's sticker taken off, let alone got carved.  Bad mother.

P.S. I know I may be risking my future relationship with Pippa when she is older, but I just want to add that she also poo'd in the bath today.  On purpose. Thanks for that one darling! 

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