I've seen a few other people doing this, so I thought I'd be oh-so-original and jump on the band-wagon! Here are some photos of my day.....
After our midwife appointment this morning I took Rufus out for a nice, sunny walk......
It really was a beautiful morning.....
Now time for lunch back at home - a Caprese sandwich and a smoothie in the sun.....
Also, some light reading material...note the page markers....gosh, I'm soooo organised! The fact that I'm only a 1/4 of the way through, a week after the baby's due is a mere hiccup!
Then, after a spot of blogging, sofa-appreciation and catching up on X-Factor (neither particularly photo-worthy!), I waddled off to the kitchen to prepare a quick lasagne for supper......
Ta Dah!!
And some watermelon for pudding......
Now I'm just watching BNITM (google it if you don't know, OMG, seriously!) with Husband. And no, he isn't actually watching it, but I'm sure it will do his reputation no end of good to pretend he is. Again, I don't think anyone would actually want to see a photo of me just plopped on the sofa (oops, I meant doing my 'optimal foetal positioning' techniques like a good expectant mummy) ......so no photo of that.
Hmmmm.....my photos seem to be rather focussed on food.....probably a clear message there. Nevermind, I shall ignore it.
BNITM = Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine according to google... very high brow